Ingredients Bottom Layer:

  • 150 g white or 85% refined wheatflour(1 small bowl)
  • 6 g baking powder ( 1 tsp.)
  • a firm pinch of white sea salt
  • 25 g sunflower or corn oil (3 Tbsp.)
  • 60 g rice syrup (2 Tbsp.)
  • 75 g riceamazake (4 Tbsp.)

      Preparations Bottom Layer:

  1. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and oil
  2. Add rice syrup, and just enough amazake to make the dough pliable
  3. Roll out the dough, place it in an oiled pie dish and make some holes in the bottom with a fork
  4. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes on 175 °C (position 5)


Fruit Pie

     Ingredients Pie Filling:

  • 185 g amazake (1/2 jar)
  • 185 ml water (1/2 jar)
  • a pinch of white seasalt
  • 4 g agar agar (1 Tbsp.)
  • 6 g cornflour of kuzu (1 tsp.)

      Preparation Pie Filling:

  1. Bring amazake, water, salt and agar agar to boil while stirring
  2. Put the flame low until the agar agar has dilluted (about 5 minutes)
  3. Dissolve cornflour or kuzu in water and thicken
  4. Spread this pudding on the bottom of the piecrust
     Ingredients Fruit:

  • 1 small box strawberries
  • 2 pears
  • 2 mandarins
  • 1 peach
  • kiwi
  • grapes, raspberries or redberries

      Preparation fruit:

  1. Wash the fruit, cut into pieces and decorate the pie
     Ingredients Glacé:

  • 150 ml water (1 small bowl)
  • 30 g rice syrup (1 Tbsp.)
  • a pinch of white seasalt
  • 4 g agar agar (1 Tbsp.)
  • 6 g cornflour of kuzu (1 tsp.)

      Preparation Glacé:

  1. Bring rice syrup, water, salt and agar agar to boil while stirring
  2. Put on a low flame until the agar agar has dilluted (about 5 minutes)
  3. Dissolve cornflour or kuzu in cold water and thicken
  4. Pour this glacé to cover all the fruit

Fruit Pie Apple Pie Rice Pie
Mocca Rice Pie Chocolate Rice Pie Strawberry Pie