Ingredients for 15 Puffs

  • 120g rice- or millet amazake (1/3 jar)
  • 20g white almondspread (1 Tbsp.)
  • 1 pinch of white sea salt
  • 3g yannoh or other instant grain coffee (1 Tbsp.)
  • 30g rice syrup (1 Tbsp.)
  • 70ml water (1/5 jar)
  • 15g corn flour or kuzu (1 1/2 Tbsp.)
    + some water


Mocca Filling for Cream Puffs


  1. Dissolve the instant grain coffee in a litlle bit of cold water
  2. Mix water, amazake, almond spread, rice syrup, salt and the dissolved grain coffee and bring to boil
  3. Dissolve the corn flour or kuzu in a little cold water then add to the hot mix and stir until thick
  4. Fill the puffs

Basic recipe for Puffs Almond Filling Chocolate Filling
Mocca Filling