Ingredients for 12 slices

  • 300g white flour (2 bowls)
  • 100g sweet corn flour (1 bowl)
  • 18g baking powder or tartaric acid
  • 1/4 tsp. white sea salt
  • 60g sunflower oil (6-7 Tbsp.)
  • 100g rice syrup (3-4 Tbsp.)
  • 380g rice or millet amazake (1 jar)
  • 400g chopped apple
  • 100g raisins (1 bowl)
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon (or grated lemon rind for a sharper taste)


Apple Cake


  1. In a bowl mix the flours, baking powder and salt
  2. Add the amazake, washed raisins, apple chunks and syrup until you have a thick pourable batter
  3. Oil a cake tin and pour in the batter until 75% full
  4. Bake for 70 minutes at 175-180 ºC (gas mark 5)
  • Bake the cake in the middle of the oven and cover, if needed, with baking foil after 45 minutes to prevent it drying out

      Ingredients for 7 slices

Apple Cake Hazelnut Cake Chocolate Cake
Walnut Orange Cake